Local musicians in Parque Central
A band plays music in the main square of Antigua near Parque Central
Enjoying an Antigua Rooftop
Dave S., John, Nicki, and Dave H. in Antigua before heading out to Nebaj the following morning
Diego (right) chats with two of the community leaders in Sumal Grande.
La Reina Sumalense
The Queen of Sumal Grande bus makes the multi-hour, twisty drive from Sumal Grande to Nebaj every morning before sunrise, and returns to Sumal Grande each afternoon. This is the primary way to get to the much bigger town of Nebaj to sell or purchase items at its large market.
Travel Team 1 + Water Committee
John, Dave H., and Nicki from Travel Team 1 this year pose with Diego Ramirez of ACCMARI and four residents of Sumal Grande who are part of the community’s water committee.
Design Review
The mayor of Sumal Grande, Diego, and Dave H. work together to identify changes that had previously been made to the water distribution system. They draw the new construction on RMP’s as-built drawings (always bring a hard copy!).
Design Review
The team reviews design changes while curious children watch.
New Tank
A new, larger tank (right) has been constructed next to RMP’s tank, but the new tank is empty and has not been connected to the system.
Curious Children
More children gather to watch John and Dave S. review the system drawings.
Tank Check-up
Opening one of the storage tanks. Good news—it was full!
Land Survey in Xexuxcap
Surveying in this steep mountain terrain can be difficult. Diego uses an Abney level to determine the angle of slope to the next point, while Dave H. uses an EDM (Electronic Distance Measuring) device to measure the distance to the next point.
Making Friends
Dave S. stops to meet and pose with a horse.
Scenic Views
Nicki pauses for a selfie to capture the beautiful view in the mountains.
Looking Out
There’s never a lack of friendly dogs that want to come along for a day’s work.
Chicken Bus
Nicki loves Guatemala’s “chicken buses” as much as Jeff does. They’re always so beautifully decked out, and every one is different.
Site Visit
Mayor Photo Op
The mayor of Xexuxcap and Dave S. pose for a photo. The mayor is a very fun and friendly man to work with.
Breakfast Stop
Travel Team 2 stops for breakfast with our regular driver on the long drive from Antigua to Nebaj.
Group Effort
Many people in Xexuxcap showed up to help machete a path for the conduction line.
David W. gets in on the trench digging action.
Pipe Laying
Laying the pipe can be tricky work and takes many hands.
A Portrait
Little Onlooker
This cute little girl was so curious about what our team was up to.
Float Valve
This float valve inside one of the water storage tanks works just like the one in a standard toilet tank. Water flows into the tank until the float moves up enough to close the valve.
Making Concrete
Mixing concrete to build up the walls of a tank.
Traditional Dress
Diego, Nicki, and Diego’s wife pose in traditional Ixil clothing. The women almost always wear red skirts embroidered with different accent patterns, along with beautifully embroidered shirts and long wrap-around belts (handy for storing your smartphone!). The men more commonly wear dress clothes, but might wear the traditional red and black jacket for a formal occasion such a church. One of Diego’s daughters, Wilma, offered to dress Nicki up in traditional clothing for this photo.
What a View!
Beautiful view of Xexuxcap from up above.